Support Tasveer
Support Tasveer - and its continuing efforts to curate thought-provoking events for Greater Seattle community with South Asian events like Aaina, tSAFF, SAID and many more. Donate to Tasveer today!
Next Goals for Tasveer are to
- Have paid staff
- Have an office space that can hold 5 working stations for our employees
- Have a dedicated theater space for Tasveer screenings
that's all on our wish list!
Sponsor Aaina
Become a partner of Aaina 2017. You can sponsor a YKB show or any program at Aaina 2017.
Click for details...
Learn How Once a Skeptic Turned a YKB Dir
New Venue: Seattle University
Please note that Aaina 2017 will be held at Seattle University, Pigott Auditorium, special thanks to Seattle University and Gardner Center for Asian Arts and Ideas! Please DO NOT GO to Asian Art Museum, since it is closed for renovation.
Aaina 2016| Aaina 2015 | Aaina 2014 | Aaina 2013 | Aaina 2012 |

Aaina 2016| Aaina 2015 | Aaina 2014 | Aaina 2013 | Aaina 2012 |