Community Speaks

Impact of Storytelling

Call for Participants

Share your story, your journey through the trying times. We will witness it. Life is made up of our experiences - some good, some bad; some routine, some impactful. Each of these experiences have their own stories to tell. When were these? What were these incidents? Who were your helping hands? Come...tell us your story. Your stories are sometimes the words that are needed to be heard....that others will use as stepping stones to come out of their captivity. Let your words HEAL....let your words EMPOWER....Let your words make the CHANGE.

On this 10th year of Aaina, Community Speaks* (Impact of Storytelling) calls upon

  • stories from people who have either been impacted by YKB stories or have been witness to their journey
  • stories from people who either have a life-changing experience or are still on that path; and believe it needs to be heard

Every story telling needs an audience, so come - listen, hear, empathize and be part of this powerful journey.

Interested? Submit your request at and we will reach out to you. Not sure? Have questions ? Contact Rumela ( and/or Shikha ( by Saturday, April 11th.

Community Speaks* began as a forum for people impacted by violence to break their isolation through storytelling. We invite all South Asians** and/or people who identify with the community, to speak up. Spoken Word, Visual Art, Poem/Prose, Dance or any other form of expression are welcome. If you wish to remain anonymous, yet have us tell your story, we can facilitate that. Past participants have shared stories about racism, homophobia, losing a loved one, sexism, family violence, peer pressure… encouraging healthy dialogues.

*Community Speaks is co-sponsored by API Chaya and organized by Tasveer on Saturday, April 25th, 12:00- 2:00 pm at South Asian Art Museum, Seattle. **South Asia represents Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Tibet