Yoni Ki Baat is a growing collection of authentic, bold, vivid, tender, powerful and poignant stories narrated by South Asian women. YKB acknowledges that female sexuality is an essential aspect of identity, experience and expression. This space transforms and encourages South Asian women to express their challenges, hopes, dreams, breakdowns and aspirations for change.

Yoni Ki Baat is back for its 10th fabulous show in Seattle, directed by Ashika Chand and Pallavi Garg. Seattle’s Yoni Ki Baat seems to have a creative life of its own, nurturing a unique space of love, trust and sharing, while simultaneously building community among local South Asian women. Each year the YKB narratives shed light on the special challenges and opportunities experienced within the South Asian socio-cultural context, whether in native lands or in adopted homelands. The powerful monologues are captivating in their intensity, their raw messages questioning societal norms, judgments and prejudices. Yoni Ki Baat 2015 is yet another step towards this bold journey.

Inspired by Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues, Yoni Ki Baat was originally started by South Asian Sisters, a progressive collective of South Asian women based in San Francisco area in 2003. Today, Yoni Ki Baat is performed across the United States by South Asian women telling authentic, bold, vivid, tender, powerful and poignant stories. 5% of the ticket sales will be donated to API Chaya.


Shoba Sriaiyer - Once upon a Time
Deepti Vyas - Down and Dirty
Savita Krishnamoorthy - * Love * Loss * Light *
Malvika Nair - Learning to Listen
Kamal Janardhan - Three Conditions
Natasha Arora - Opening
Shree Laxmi Rao - Grey Matter
Poornima Prabhu - Happy or Married
Akhila Tadinada  - Yours, Virginally